Sample pspp syntax
Sample pspp syntax

sample pspp syntax

Since WRITE outputs a record for each case in the working file, I use the TEMPORARY command to limit its action to the first case only. Now, to create a macro on-the-fly I use the WRITE command to write the syntax of the DEFINE command together with the value 198. The RANK command creates a new variable size with value 198 (or whatever is the number of cases in the file) for each case. "DEFINE !samplesize() " size " !ENDDEFINE." Now my syntax file does this on the original data file: RANK unitID /N INTO size. This means I have to (remember to) change my syntax in two places before pspp can execute it. + COMPUTE unitID = TRUNC(UNIFORM(225)) + 1.īetween waves, everything remains the same except the number of cases in the data file. The latter is afterwards to be joined with the original data by means of MATCH FILES. This is my syntax to create 1,000 samples of 225 units each, with two identifiers: sampleID and unitID. To estimate these error margins I resort to bootstrap sampling, extracting 1,000 samples – with replacement – of the same size of the original file. I have to calculate some weird statistic for various subgroups of the file, and report them with error margins.

sample pspp syntax

Suppose I regularly receive the data file of some continuous survey. I call this lack of introspection, but there probably are better terms for describing this. I can retrieve the value of a variable in the current case – and with the LAG() function of some previous case – but I cannot retrieve the number of cases or variables in the current workfile, or know whether a variable exists or not. PSPP syntax tends to be limited to the case at hand. to make pieces of difficult syntax that solve some difficult task available for future use without having to reinvent the wheel every time, like computing the Levenshtein distance between two strings or aggregating counties into regions.You use FREQUENCIES mostly with categorical variables, and so you define the macro !freq to run FREQUENCIES with /STATISTICS = NONE. to redefine commands with undesirable defaults.Just open your files like this: GET FILE = !ROOT + "job37/filename.sav". DEFINE !ROOT() "/home/you/Documents/stats/pspp/" !ENDDEFINE. Your friend or collegue wants to use your syntax but has her/his directories organized in a different structure.


Your syntax is full of GET FILE = "/home/you/Documents/stats/pspp/job37/filename.sav". and therefore you write a nifty little macro !head that expands to just that LIST command. You grow tired of typing LIST /CASES = FROM 1 TO 10 /FORMAT=NUMBERED. What are syntax macros? This tutorial explains almost everything. The possibility to define and call syntax macros makes working with pspp a lot easier, and a lot more fun! Ben Pfaff, the main developer of PSPP, has announced the implementation of the DEFINE.!ENDDEFINE command, becoming even more immortal.

Sample pspp syntax