We also tested two other masks from Alaska Bear.

Durable and machine washable: Constant wear will cause unsavory levels of eye gunk to build up on the underside of the mask, so you should be able to run it through the wash.Lightweight: The best sleep mask will make you feel like you’re not wearing one, so the lighter, the better-ideally no more than 1½ ounces.An eyecup mask is also helpful if you ever fall asleep with makeup on (such as during a business trip) or if you simply dislike pressure on your eyes. Most testers found this type of design more comfortable than flat masks that rubbed against their eyelids and lashes. Convex eyecups: Sleep masks that offer some space between your eyelids and the mask give your eyes room to move or flutter.Most masks adjust via Velcro or a buckle, and most of our testers preferred buckled straps, which don’t tangle in hair and are small enough to go unnoticed during the night. Adjustable strap: The strap should be able to fit heads of all sizes and shapes.Contoured masks, which touch your face in as few places as possible, should be soft and light but still firm enough for the cups to stay elevated. With flat masks that touch your eyes, pure silk feels gentle against your eyes and keeps your face from getting too hot.

And if you’re using your mask on swampy summer nights, that material had better breathe.