It will be limited to air travel and border crossings. It's being tested among 22 airlines, and the airline trade organization expects to release it this month. The most promising one is the IATA Travel Pass. "There's no vaccine passport in the United States," says Peter Vlitas, senior vice president of airline relations for Internova Travel Group. What is a vaccine passport? How would it work for travel? In the meantime, you have a few imperfect options for showing you received your shots.

You may be able to get a COVID-19 vaccine passport by enrolling in one of the tests underway. Israel and Europe have taken the lead on developing a secure digital immunity certification. Will you need a COVID-19 'vaccine passport' to travel? Here's what they are and how they might work New York launches nation's first 'vaccine passports': Others work on similar ideas, but many details must be worked out "I would like more substantial proof," she says. Marcus, a retired finance worker from Frederick, Maryland, took a picture of the card, so she could show it to anyone who asks. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – a small, white paper card where she recorded both her vaccinations. The clinic where she received her shots issued a COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card from the U.S. Unless she can, she's afraid she may not be allowed to visit Europe. She's had both of her shots but can't prove it.